Differences between Neomow X and Neomow S APP versions

Published at:2024-06-23

Due to the unique features and compatibility requirements of the Neomow S and Neomow X, each product utilizes a different app.

You can find and download the respective app by searching for "Neomow X" or "Neomow S" in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Alternatively, you can scan the QR codes below to download the apps directly.

How to Download

1. Search for the App:

- For Neomow X: Search for "Neomow X" in your app store.

- For Neomow S: Search for "Neomow S" in your app store.

2. Scan the QR Code:

- Use your smartphone's camera or a QR code scanning app to scan the respective QR code below to download the app directly.

QR Codes:

Neomow X App

Neomow S App

By using the correct app for your Neomow model, you’ll ensure compatibility and access to all the features designed specifically for your device.


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